All diatomaceous earth is not the same. Diatomaceous earth packaged under our Fossil Shell Flour (FSF) label comes from an extremely pure fresh water deposit of the diatom Melosira Preicelanica. Why is this diatom so special? Its shell is made of amorphous silica. Its shape and hardness are important to how it works. Its hardness keeps it from dissolving in liquid. The holes along the diatom’s wall allow it to absorb moisture.
Why fresh water vs. salt water DE?
Fresh water deposits like ours have a consistent diatom presence. Their fossilized shells have maintained their tubular shape. This shape and strength of the fossil shell is critical to its effectiveness. Our deposit has 89 – 95 percent amorphous silica content. Our deposit is more consistent in purity of other elements that have settled in it. Salt water deposits contain a mix of types of diatoms of different shapes. Their fossilized shells are fragile and break easily. This renders them ineffective for our purposes. The salt water deposits are less predictable in their sediments.
What’s the difference between amorphous and crystalline silica?
Amorphous silica is silica in its natural occurring state. It is a trace mineral every mammal on the planet needs to gain full health. It becomes crystalline when it is exposed to extreme heat through volcanic activity or commercial manufacturing means, e.g. the type of diatomaceous earth used in swimming pool, and other, filtration systems is crystalline silica. Crystalline silica is extremely dangerous when inhaled or ingested. It is not biodegradable
Recommended Usage:
- Cats 1 teaspoon
- Dogs less than 50 lbs (22.5kg). 2 teaspoons
- Dogs more than 50 lbs (22.5kg). 1 Tablespoons
- Dogs more than 100 lbs (45kg). 2 Tablespoons
- Cattle/Buffalo 2% by weight of dry ration or put in a secure feeder or drum so animals can help themselves
- Calves 4 grams in morning
- Dairy cattle 2% by weight of dry ration
- Chickens 5% in feed
- Hogs 2% of weight in feed ration
- Horses 1 cup in daily ration
- Sheep 1% in ground grain
- Goats 1% in ground grain