Robank® Weight-Gain is a scientifically developed high fibre, high protein, complete feed that is suitable for all types of horses. Ideally suited to those wanting to build or maintain body condition without the effect that grain-based feeds have on their horse’s health and behaviour.
Robank Weight-Gain is a complete dry feed, containing premium quality ingredients with no molasses.
Robank Weight-Gain Is a high fibre, cereal grain free, complete feed specifically formulated for all types of horses especially those horses requiring some extra body weight.
Robank Weight-Gain if formulated using Robank quality ingredients, including Robank Relax pellets. These pellets utilise the latest technology of Bio-Plex minerals. In addition high quality protein sources, combined with other quality ingredients make a feed that is highly palatable and digestible to the horse.
Robank Weight-Gain is grain free, so is suitable for those horses that require a cooler energy feed. It can be fed on its own as it has a high fibre content. It is also free from molasses so avoids the “sugar rush” associated with high molasses feeds. In addition the combination of the chaff and pelleted formulation makes this feed suitable for those horses that may have dental issues.
- Convenient formulation, no need to mix or add other feeds.
- High in fibre, can be fed with hay or chaff
- Contains Robank Relax Pellets providing high quality ingredients, Bio-Plex minerals and organic selenium.
- The unique formulation makes Weight-Gain suitable for the aged horse that may suffer with dental problems
- Contains Robanks proprietary blend of Global Performance Premix ( supplying key vitamins and minerals)