This product is a soft and supportive instant pad material that bonds to the sole and frog. There is no need to hand mix or waste this product.... just squeeze the handle of the gun and a liquid product will come out, this will set in 1 minute and become a soft and supportive pad material. Can be used as a. thin protective layer or to ground level for full support.
This copper sulfate infused product is perfect to deal with thrush cases.
The purpose of this product is to provide support for problems such as flat footed, laminitic, foundered or horses that are on rough terrain, to absorb shock and concussion.
Equi-Pak CS deals effectively with most cases of thrush. It provides durable, shock absorbing support and eliminates the needs to pick out feet or apply daily medication. Equi-Pak CS can be used as a preventive measure before thrush even begins.
- Colour : green
- Set time : 30 sec.
- Shore: 55
- Industry standard cartridge 201CC holding 30% more material than prior models