Product Description
Mectin Insecticide / Miticide (18g/l Abamectin)
How to Prepare
Refer to label for complete directions for use
DO NOT rely on the general information listed below
Directions for use
Apples & Pears - Two Spotted Mite (Tetranychus urticae), European Red Mite (Panonychus ulmi) - 750ml / Ha plus 5lt / Ha summer Oil. Apply to run off. (see other critical comments on label) - 75ml per 100lt plus 500ml summer oil (check PDF label)
Citrus - Broad Mite (Polyhagotarsonemus latus),Brown Citrus, Rust Mite (Tegolophus australis), Citrus Rust Mite (Phyllocoptera oleivora) - 15 - 25ml / 100lt plus 250ml/100lt Summer Oil
Strawberries - Two Spotted Mite (Tetranychus urticae) - 100ml /100lt
Tomatoes - Two Spotted Mite (Tetranychus urticae) - 60-90ml / 100lt
Ornamentals - (Not Ferns or Shasta) - Two Spotted Mite (Tetranychus urticae) - 50ml /100lt
Please refer to the label for withholding periods and other application information
Active Constituent 18g/L Abamectin